Browse Items (342 total) Collection: Floyd Earl McRae Pellston History Photographic Collection Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page of 18 Next Page Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Aftermath of a catastrophic fire Tags: Fires, Logging, Pellston Maple River Dam, Jackson and Tindle Co. lumberyard in background Tags: Dams, Logging, Maple River, Pellston A large number of people gathered at the Pellston picnic grounds Tags: Pellston Steam engine and log loader, two men in foreground, Engineer in engine Tags: Logging, Pellston Two men standing in front of train engine on logging spur with logs and other workmen in background Tags: Logging, Pellston The Commercial Hotel or Mitchlin House, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchlin (owners) first couple seated Tags: Hotels, Pellston Omar Linton with two horses with white stockings Tags: Pellston Twenty two Jackson and Tindle Co. workmen posed in front of a building at camp number 10 Tags: Logging, Pellston Five men with three stockpiles of logs and a team of draft horses Tags: Logging, Pellston Two men aiming firearms at one another beside a big wheels Tags: Logging, Pellston A large group of workmen gathered outside a Jackson and Tindle Co. Mill building Tags: Logging, Mills, Pellston Two men aiming firearms at one another beside a big wheels Tags: Logging, Pellston Steam log loader placing log on rail cart, two men in foreground Tags: Logging, Pellston Jackson and Tindle Co. Mill Tags: Logging, Mills, Pellston Firemen with hose fighting a fire in a lumberyard Tags: Logging, Pellston Finding Aid for the Floyd Earl McRae Pellston History Photographic Collection A document that describes the Floyd Earl McRae Pellston History Photographic Collection, the topics it covers, and the principle individuals who assembled the collection. Tags: Bands, Banks, Business, Logging, McRae, Pellston, Railroads, Schools, Sports, Transportation Mill crew in front of mill building, Jackson and Tindle Co., Pellston, Michigan Tags: Logging, Mills, Pellston Jackson and Tindle Co. Mill Tags: Logging, Mills, Pellston Jackson and Tindle Co. postcard advertisement Tags: Logging, Pellston Philip Thiel’s portrait and announcement of candidacy for McKinley Township Clerk Tags: Pellston Previous Page of 18 Next Page Featured Item The end of the Breakwater in Petoskey covered in ice