Browse Items (342 total) Collection: Floyd Earl McRae Pellston History Photographic Collection Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page of 18 Next Page Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Fire tower Tags: Logging, Pellston Fifteen men gathered in a room, many of whom are drinking bottled beverages Tags: Pellston Downtown Pellston in winter Tags: Pellston, Winter Downtown Pellston featuring automobiles Tags: Pellston, Transportation Downtown Pellston featuring the train depot Tags: Depots, Pellston, Railroad, Railroads, Transportation Downtown Pellston featuring cafe and Bonter’s Self Service station Tags: Business, Pellston Nine firemen in uniform on a fire truck labeled Pellston Tags: Fire Department, Pellston Large group of people with teams of draft horses and big wheels, five seated children in foreground Tags: Logging, Pellston Scene of a fire downtown Pellston Tags: Fires, Pellston Hotel Tags: Business, Hotels, Pellston Nine firemen in uniform on a fire truck Tags: Fire Department, Pellston Scene of a fire downtown Pellston Tags: Fires, Pellston Downtown Pellston featuring grocery store Tags: Business, Pellston Interior of a store featuring clerk or proprietor behind counter Tags: Business, Pellston Jackson and Tindle Co. Mill Tags: Logging, Mills, Pellston Interior of a grocery store featuring two young men in aprons behind counter Tags: Business, Pellston A large group of men in various costume in front of a Livery Feed and Sale Stable Tags: Pellston Outdoor group Photograph of fourteen people in front of a building Tags: Pellston A large number of people packed into seven automobiles Tags: Pellston, Transportation Two automobiles filled with people Tags: Pellston, Transportation Previous Page of 18 Next Page Featured Item The corner of Park Avenue and Lake St. in Petoskey