Browse Items (342 total) Collection: Floyd Earl McRae Pellston History Photographic Collection Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page of 18 Next Page Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Nineteen people posed outdoors Tags: Pellston Four men posed alongside a train car Tags: Pellston Panoramic photograph of a large stockpile of timber, a log spur train, loading cranes, workmen, a child, and a pair of draft horses Tags: Logging, Pellston A large group of teachers and schoolchildren Tags: Pellston, Schools The Commercial Hotel or Mitchlin House, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchlin (owners) first couple seated Tags: Hotels, Pellston Pellston House Tags: Hotels, Pellston A woman standing outside the door of the Ely Post Office Tags: Ely, Post Office A Schoolmistress and thirteen children in front of the Ely schoolhouse Tags: Ely, Schools Two men standing in front of the Pellston Garage, Wallpaper and Paint Store Tags: Business, Pellston Six people standing outdoors Tags: Pellston Anderson Garage and Auto Sales Tags: Business, Pellston, Transportation Mr. Willis K. Jackson of Jackson and Tindle Tags: Logging, Pellston George F. McRae Tags: Logging, Mills, Pellston Two men with a crosscut saw felling a large elm tree Tags: Logging, Pellston Five men and two dogs logging in the woods west of Pellston Tags: Logging, Pellston Seven men and two teams of horses loading logs onto a car on a rail spur in the woods west of Pellston Tags: Logging, Pellston Mr. Walter Merris, Office Manager of Jackson and Tindle Tags: Logging, Pellston Mr. Frank T. Tindle of Jackson and Tindle Tags: Logging, Pellston Twelve men using a steam loader to load logs on a logging spur Tags: Logging, Pellston Firemen with hose fighting a fire in a lumberyard Tags: Logging, Pellston Previous Page of 18 Next Page Featured Item E. Shay and Son advertisement featuring the Shay Geared Locomotive.