Browse Items (66 total) Tags: Levering Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items of 4 Next Page Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added 12 month old registered shorthorn bull purchased by L. Cassidy of Levering at Beef Truck Meeting, July, 1930 Tags: Agriculture, Cattle, Levering 16 month old milking shorthorn bull owned by O. Overholt of Levering (pictured), 1932 Tags: Agriculture, Cattle, Levering 16 month old milking shorthorn bull owned by O. Overholt of Levering, 1932 Tags: Agriculture, Cattle, Levering 2 purebred shorthorn heifers purchased by O. Overholt of Levering at the Gladwin Beef Sale, 1933 Tags: Agriculture, Cattle, Levering 4-H showmanship winners: 1st Hebert Searles of Levering, 2nd Ralph Ludlow of Petoskey, 3rd Bertha LeGrand of Petoskey, Emmet County Fair, August 31, 1932 Tags: 4-H Club, Agriculture, Levering, Petoskey Barnyard manure on farm of Dell Chase, Levering, 1929 Tags: Agriculture, Levering Barnyard manure on farm of Dell Chase, Levering, 1929 Tags: Agriculture, Levering Bull calf bought by James Redmond, Levering, 1941 Tags: Agriculture, Cattle, Levering Carl Bacon’s Woodlot after thinning, Levering, 1932 Tags: Agriculture, Landscaping, Levering Carl Bacon’s Woodlot after thinning, Levering, 1932 Tags: Agriculture, Landscaping, Levering Claude Schmalzried and his pure bred ram, Claude Schmalzried Farm, Levering, 1933 Tags: Agriculture, Levering, Sheep Claude Schmalzried and his pure bred ram, Claude Schmalzried Farm, Levering, 1933 Tags: Agriculture, Levering, Sheep Earl Marshall Farm, Levering, taken before landscape planting demonstration by O. I. Gregg, 1929 Tags: Agriculture, Landscaping, Levering Earl Marshall Farm, Levering, taken before landscape planting demonstration by O. I. Gregg, 1929 Tags: Agriculture, Landscaping, Levering Elias Luesing Farm, Levering, taken before landscape planting demonstration by O. I. Gregg, 1931 Tags: Agriculture, Landscaping, Levering Elias Luesing Farm, Levering, taken before landscape planting demonstration by O. I. Gregg, 1931 Tags: Agriculture, Landscaping, Levering Elias Luesing Farm, Levering, taken before landscape planting demonstration by O. I. Gregg, 1931 Tags: Agriculture, Landscaping, Levering Emmet County Dairy Judging Team: Robert Notestine of Petoskey, Marie Bay of Levering, Lewis Kableman of Harbor Springs, 1932 Tags: 4-H Club, Agriculture, Harbor Springs, Levering, Petoskey Forest Luesing Farm, Levering, 1932 Tags: Agriculture, Landscaping, Levering Forest Luesing Farm, Levering, taken before landscape planting demonstration by O. I. Gregg, 1932 Tags: Agriculture, Landscaping, Levering of 4 Next Page Featured Item Mabel Johansen posing on ice skates in Petoskey.